Oddonomy is based off the word Autonomy. Software that self governs itself. So I'll write all of the code up, it will create the videos being created in the background. I write the software to be autonomous, and Oddonomy software does its own videos. It's not automation it's autonomy, or Oddonomy.
I'd like to keep Oddonomy pure at it's true principles. It isn't just any videos recorded and if I ever started down that path I will be wasting my time. So I have to keep to the mission statement.
The oddonomy mission statement for Oddonomy is "To autonomously create videos that cover a range of audiences without any recording of media."
So some rules I have created for myself:
I'm a software developer with at least 30 years experience in all kinds of industries for commercial and corporations. Safe to say if there's a software need, I've done it.
My other passion is multi-media, Amiga demos, art and sound played a critical roll in my up bringing. I was doing 3D software one weekend, I wanted to do a bouncing ball fly around a room making noises. Then I started doing the hard, boring, task of manually mapping it all out. I thought, hey I'm a geek I could automate all of this even the sound effects. Oddonomy starts.
In regards to who I am, it doesn't matter. What matters is my insane but sometimes beautiful creations.
Magic! I actually have a video schedule that runs for all video channels except Oddonomous Sleep. The file goes through every single day sequentially, each channel has a video per day. Before it makes the video it will output the date it is up to and the video name. When it produces the video file I upload it to YouTube for the scheduled video day. As I try and limit the maximum to 1 hour per program, I can output a week in a day. So I schedule it well ahead, sometimes I can't run videos and loose days.
For DailyMotion I will download the video from YouTube the day it shows on YouTube and reupload to DailyMotion with new information. Unless it is a video that I won't put on YouTube then I will produce it manually, convert it for DailyMotion then upload it. DailyMotion has a lot of limits so I take my time.
For this website I have a tool built-in where I add videos from dailymotion and add extra information. This ensures the video is added to the right pages and playlists.
I do not earn money on this what-so-ever currently, I use my high paying job to keep the wages in. But one day I would like to dedicate all my time to doing this full time. So I've spread my wings a little bit in areas that can create revenue.
You might be surprised I don't run on that much of a high tech system. I don't have a 3D Graphics card neither. It's overkill for what I do, simple mathematics formulas. Here's the details:
This web-site is optimised for wide-screen and computers. I do notice the analytics show 800 x 600, on a cell phone is the most common. As a result I have made it viewable on this kind of device.
Because I am a bit of a geek and nerd enthusiast I have also done websites, marketing and search engine optmisation. This site is just using HTML, CSS and PHP. There isn't any scripting by myself but obviously DailyMotion and Google Analytics have scripts on these pages. I've designed and built a framework in PHP to make my life easy and automate most content. In fact, this text wasn't written in HTML! I've entered text into my framework.
All of the software is written in c++ using a very old complicated way of doing things. Tools and libraries are minimal so I can ensure the videos are created as fast as possible. When you have 1 million star objects moving in all directions of a 3D world you need a lot of power, technique helps more than tools.
Ahh, but I have to use tools so what do I use?
The videos, pages and playlists are being manually added over time. So this website will never stop growing. Keep an eye on the website if you're after something, otherwise maybe message me on one of the links and I can do something earlier for you.
Got your own ideas? Chat to me on Patreon. I am more than happy to try things out.
You're welcome to see the other links of About Oddonomy. More importantly, I listen to the statistics on what to do next so if you show support where you want me to work then I can pay you back by working on that area next.
- Patreon
- Daily Motion
- About Oddonomy YouTube
- About Oddonomy Media Player