Oddonomous Sleep

Learn about Oddonomous Sleep, autonomous videos to help sleep.

What is Oddonomous Sleep?

If you've followed me a bit, or know me personally you may of noticed I have a lot of energy. To sleep it takes a long cult-like ritual just to finally sleep. I know I'm not alone. Part of the ritual is to watch something interesting enough to keep watching, not interesting enough to keep me awake. These videos help to sleep by keeping you curious but bored.

What do the Oddonomous Sleep videos contain?

At present the Oddonomous Sleep videos from other video series I have produced and tweaked them for helping with sleep. They're 8 hours long and the formulas/movement changes every so often to keep your interest enough.

Why aren't there many Sleep Videos?

There are a couple of reasons. The first is DailyMotion won't let me upload any large videos, so you'll have to go to YouTube to see those videos. Also it can take from a day to weeks to produce each sleep video and I cannot run these next to my other videos. So either I need to get years buffered up in videos or a second specialised computer. If you want more, you're welcome to support me on the channel and I'll see more worth in spending the money on it.

Oddonomous Sleep Videos

This is the main playlist for sleep videos. You'll only see the videos themselves on YouTube due to the length of the videos. 8 to 12 hours.

More content to come!

The videos, pages and playlists are being manually added over time. So this website will never stop growing. Keep an eye on the website if you're after something, otherwise maybe message me on one of the links and I can do something earlier for you.

Where to go?

If you want more videos in this section, or you want to provide feedback. Go to the appropiate link on the right and comment/follow/share or like.

Got your own ideas? Chat to me on Patreon. I am more than happy to try things out.

Learn more about the Oddonomous Soundz

Oddonomous Links

You're welcome to see the other links of Oddonomous Sleep. More importantly, I listen to the statistics on what to do next so if you show support where you want me to work then I can pay you back by working on that area next.
Oddonomy Patreon - Patreon
Oddonomy DailyMotion - Daily Motion
OddonomousSleep YouTube - Oddonomous Sleep YouTube
Oddonomy Media Player - Oddonomous Sleep Media Player

Page Keywords: Autonomous Sleep Videos,Oddonomous Sleep