This is the very first channel for Oddonomy. Originally the intent was to put all videos on this channel, so a lot of the old playlists are on this channel
Eventually I noticed I was putting out videos about space, education, music etc. Hang on, wait? Won't that confuse the audience, everyone gets something they're not interested in. Yesiree! So I decided that I should have multiple channels to target the right audiences.
So even though there is some old content on this channel, it is now designated as the parent channel. Whenever I create a new video series I'll pop a preview video on this channel and link the channel it will be created on.
This is the main playlist for the parent channel of Oddonomy. There won't be much to see here.
You can view the playlists on DailyMotion here.
The videos, pages and playlists are being manually added over time. So this website will never stop growing. Keep an eye on the website if you're after something, otherwise maybe message me on one of the links and I can do something earlier for you.
If you want more videos in this section, or you want to provide feedback. Go to the appropiate link on the right and comment/follow/share or like.
Got your own ideas? Chat to me on Patreon. I am more than happy to try things out.
You're welcome to see the other links of Oddonomy. More importantly, I listen to the statistics on what to do next so if you show support where you want me to work then I can pay you back by working on that area next.
- Patreon
- Daily Motion
- Oddonomy YouTube
- Oddonomy Media Player