Oddonomous Education

Learn about Oddonomous Education, odd education using autonomy.

Why Education

Personally, I love learning new things and I grasp complexities well. To be honest though I think to "grasp complexities" is more about patience and concentration than being a skillset. Technology changed since I graduated, so, most of what I know is self taught. Although I did some mathematics it was so long ago I forgot it all. Through education I can improve and obviously I like to share my experiences, so why not what I learn.

Will there be certifications

No, the education will be odd and quirky. Hopefully interesting to some. I'll stick to what I'm good at and only what I'm good at; Oddonomous Videos.

Besides there will be bugs that I leave in, intended. I'd have to spend a lot of time ensuring the standards are up to scratch and it is only one channel of 12.

What Kind Of Education

The educational videos will be based on anything I can use autonomy with. That is write the rules in software and it'll go through the process and output the results. Such as Chemical Reactions, Dictionaries, Mathematics, Morse Code etc.

Overtime the autonomy rules will be more complicated and I'll add more in, such as finding the most ideal exercise routines or using AI for more advanced topics. If you hold your breathe by waiting for this then you'll learn how to turn blue.

I will try to have an area of education for each day of the week. I'm not sure what yet as it is early days for this channel, but I'll use analytics to decide which topics to switch.

Oddonomous Education Playlist

This is the main playlist for Oddonomous Education.

You can view the playlists on DailyMotion here.

More content to come!

The videos, pages and playlists are being manually added over time. So this website will never stop growing. Keep an eye on the website if you're after something, otherwise maybe message me on one of the links and I can do something earlier for you.

Where to go?

If you want more videos in this section, or you want to provide feedback. Go to the appropiate link on the right and comment/follow/share or like.

Got your own ideas? Chat to me on Patreon. I am more than happy to try things out.

Learn more about Oddonomous Games

Oddonomous Links

You're welcome to see the other links of Oddonomous Education. More importantly, I listen to the statistics on what to do next so if you show support where you want me to work then I can pay you back by working on that area next.
Oddonomy Patreon - Patreon
Oddonomous Education DailyMotion - Oddonomous Education DailyMotion
OddonomousEducation YouTube - Oddonomous Education YouTube
Oddonomy Media Player - Oddonomous Education Media Player

Page Keywords: Autonomous Education,Oddonomous Education