Like everything else for Oddonomy, everything must be autonomous. So these will be games using autonomy. Games that are automatically shown, but are controlled using artificial intelligence and artificial learning.
Yes, game is a very broad term. The idea is to cross all avenues of the word game. There will be sports, arcade games, racing games, card games, slot machines, puzzle games etc. There are even ideas of games we never thought of. At the time of authoring this there are exactly 99 game ideas. The game categories will be split into days and swapped out when things aren't as popular as expected.
The games are using autonomy and artificial learning. Rather than just showing the end-result you'll see how the game learns and improves itself. This might give you an edge when playing this kind of game. For example in slot machines, it is going to try all combinations of picking lines and numbers. Then it will figure out the most statistically proven way to make money, or, the most statistically proven way to loose money slower.
With some games you'll see it from the perspective of an official that uses artificial learning to determine who cheats.
Some games will go through an entire competition of AI players that use artificial learning but have different experiences so will learn differently. Say a racing game, one vehicle might be heavier and may need to hit the corner a different way to a lighter car.
The videos, pages and playlists are being manually added over time. So this website will never stop growing. Keep an eye on the website if you're after something, otherwise maybe message me on one of the links and I can do something earlier for you.
If you want more videos in this section, or you want to provide feedback. Go to the appropiate link on the right and comment/follow/share or like.
Got your own ideas? Chat to me on Patreon. I am more than happy to try things out.
You're welcome to see the other links of Oddonomous Games. More importantly, I listen to the statistics on what to do next so if you show support where you want me to work then I can pay you back by working on that area next.
- Patreon
- Daily Motion
- Oddonomous Games YouTube
- Oddonomous Games Media Player